Super Lutein MirtoPlus

Brand: Naturally Plus
Product Code: MirtoPlus – 460mg x 120 capsules per bottle
Availability: 2-3 Days



Refined Fish Oil (containing DHA), Wheat Germ Oil, Vitamin E Extracts, Marigold Extracts (containing Lutein and Zeaxanthin), Bilberry Extracts, Black Current Extracts, Pine Bark Extracts, Gelatine, Glycerine, Beeswax, Tomato Lycopene, Palm Oil Carotenes, Gardenia Yellow, Vitamin B1, B2, B6, B12


55.2g (460mg x 120 capsules) 

Suggested Dosage: 

4 capsules a day


Super Lutein Mirtoplus - A Feast for Your Eyes


SUPER LUTEIN MIRTOPLUS combines Mirtogenol® with SUPER LUTEIN's golden formula of carotenoids. 

SUPER LUTEIN MIRTOPLUS perfectly retains SUPER LUTEIN's golden formula of 6 carotenoids.

Carotenoids are pigment compounds that are brightly coloured, such as yellow, red, and orange. They can be found in colourful vegetables and fruits that are good for health. Carotenoids are not produced in the human body and therefore must be consumed through vegetables, fruits, and supplements. SUPER LUTEIN contains a well-balanced blend of 6 carotenoids—the golden combination. This golden combination is wholly preserved in the SUPER LUTEIN MIRTOPLUS formula, which also has added Mirtogenol®, a renowned antioxidant. 




The Components of Mirtogenol®: Pycnogenol® and Mirtoselect™ 

Mirtogenol® is a new antioxidant ingredient made from combining French maritime pine bark extract Pycnogenol® and standardised bilberry extract Mirtoselect™. Their respective pioneers, Horphag Research of Switzerland and Indena of Italy, jointly developed Mirtogenol® after dedicated research in the interaction of these two ingredients.

 Mirtogenol® (mir-to-jen-all) 



 made from combining

Pycnogenol® and Mirtoselect™







 Pycnogenol® (pic-no-jen-all)

  • Pycnogenol® is a natural ingredient of plant origin, extracted from the bark of French maritime pine trees that are 30-50 years old. This extract was named Pycnogenol® and marketed by Horphag Research. Research on Pycnogenol® still continues to this day.
  • French maritime pine is characterised by its bark, which is significantly thicker than that of Japanese pine and serves to protect the trunk from drastic temperature differences and strong ultraviolet rays.
  • Noted for having 170 times the antioxidant power of vitamin E, and 340 times that of vitamin C.
  • Contains over 40 types of flavonoids including procyanidin, catechin, and taxifolin.
  • Pycnogenol® can help relieve many problems common to women. Pine bark tea has historically been consumed in Europe for beauty and health.
  • Records mention that during his exploration of Canada, 16th century French explorer Jacques Cartier and his crew recovered their energy by drinking the natives' tea of roasted pine bark.
  • To prevent damage to the ingredient, Pycnogenol® is produced within 24 hours of harvesting the bark, by a patented extraction process based on GMP (standards for production and quality control).







 Mirtoselect™ (mir-to-se-lect) 

  • Mirtoselect™ is a unique bilberry extract produced by Indena of Italy. It is obtained only from fresh bilberry fruits harvested when they ripen between July and September.
  • Bilberry is a wild species of blueberry, carefully selected from over 150 blueberry species. It is a fruit-bearing shrub with strong vitality. It is resilient against ultraviolet rays during the long daylight hours in its native Northern Europe.
  • Fresh bilberries contain about 4 times the anthocyanin of blueberry. Anthocyanin is a type of polyphenol.  


☀ Joining Forces: The SUPER LUTEIN golden formula and Mirtogenol®

Lutein and Mirtogenol® are both antioxidants, but have different characteristics. The combination of fat-soluble lutein and water-soluble Mirtogenol® in SUPER LUTEIN MIRTOPLUS produces a synergy which boosts their antioxidant power to a whole level.  

Nutritional Value
Calories 12.10 Kcal
Protein 0.47 g
Fat 1.00 g
Carbohydrate 0.30 mg
Sodium 0 - 3.00 mg
Vitamin E 72.80 mg
DHA 73.00 mg
Lutein 18.00 mg
Lycopene 2.16 mg
Zeaxanthin 1.50 mg
α-Carotene 1.05 mg
β-Carotene 2.12 mg
Black Currant Extracts 72.00 mg
Gardenia 3.00 mg
Pine Bark Extracts 40.00 mg
Bilberry Extract 80.00 mg

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