Glaucoma 青光眼 Astigmatism 散光眼 Cataract 白内障
Clinical Treatment of Glaucoma
Glaucoma cannot be cured, but it can be successfully controlled in most cases. Treatment depends on the type and severity of glaucoma and it may be in the form of medication, laser therapy or surgery.
Some of the glaucoma surgeries are:
▶ Goniotomy
▶ Trabeculectomy with anti-metabolites
▶ Combined Trabeculectomy (with anti-metabolites) and Cataract surgery
▶ Glaucoma Drainage Devices such as the Ahmed and Baerveldt tubes as well as novel devices such as the ExPRESS mini shunt.
▶ Goniosynechiolysis
Consult your doctor for the most appropriate individualised treatment for you after a detailed clinical evaluation.
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Glaucoma 青光眼 Cataract 白内障 Glaucoma 青光眼 Cataract 白内障 Floaters 飞蚊症
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